Echoic memory
Transient auditory memory in which perceived sounds remain in memory briefly

A process of perceiving obstacles in one’s  path by means of hearing ( employed, for example, by bats)

The process by which new information is linked to associations already in the long-term memory store

A device for applying electric current to, for example, specific sites on the surface of the scalp or within the brain

Electroencephalogram (EEG )
A recording of electrical activity in the brain

The process of recording as line tracings on paper patterns of electrical activity in the brain, by means of electrodes attached to the scalp

The study of the electrical aspects of a bodily function

Emergent property, or emergence
A property of a system that is realized (emerges) through the interaction of the component parts of the system

Based on experiment and observation rather than on theory or deduction

The school of thought that holds that we derive all knowledge from our senses and our reflection on the sensations they yield

Episodic memory
A non-word-based aspect of declarative memory that store occurrences of events and experiences ( as opposed to facts )

The study of the nature, origin, and limits of knowledge

Event-related potential ( ERP )
The voltage changes, recorded during an EEG during a specified period of time, that are specifically related to the brain’s response to a stimulus presented during that period

Within a particular model of categorization, the instances of an experience, such as “dog,” that , taken together, constitute an individual’s category dog

Explicit memory

Memory one is aware of as one retrieves it

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